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Photo credit: Rambling Photography, LLC. |
The word sounds so glamorous while your pregnant... then four days post birth,
it's 2am and your trying to get a screaming, hungry newborn to latch on.
He latches on and the pain is so excruciating your pretty certain you just saw stars.
As your milk fills his small belly, he begins to choke.
His tiny arms are flailing and he is gasping for air.
You both sit there and cry, you wanted to breastfeed so badly.
Does that story sound familiar?
It does to me, I have been there... twice.
Breastfeeding is challenging enough then add an airway defect,
it gets a whole lot of complicated, very quickly.
As the exhaustion builds and emotions rise,
finding outside support and help is a feat within itself.
Once you have the proper education, help and support...
breastfeeding can be one of the best things to ever happen to
you and your Pint-Sized Powerhouse!
First thing, take a nap.
Even LM Supermoms can not think clearly on two hours of sleep.
Let Dad or Grandma watch baby for a few hours while you regroup and rest.
Feed yourself, well.
Recovering from birth and making milk are two very draining events on the body.
Give your body the right fuel while increasing your
iron intake to help with postpartum bleeding.
Every time your baby nurses, drink at least 8oz of water.
Get comfortable.
No one likes eating over the kitchen sink!
Find a relaxing, comfortable space to nurse.
Some moms like nursing in rocking chairs while others enjoy nursing in bed.
Have a small box next to you with all your must-need items:
cell phone
paper and pen
chap stick
nipple cream
burp rag
t.v. remote control
breastfeeding support pillow
heating pad for post-birth cramping
Play relaxing music and put your feet up.
Ask for help.
The "raising a baby takes a village" saying didn't come out of nowhere.
Ask close family and friends to care for older children, pets and the house.
If family and friends suggest helping by feeding the baby, gently remind them
you and your baby are working, very hard to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship right now.
There will be plenty of time for play-dates with Grandma in the future!
Find a good ENT.
You will have a very hard time continuing your breastfeeding relationship
unless the LM is treated properly.
Reflux medication and/or surgery may be needed.
Rule out other issues.
Rule out tongue tie, lip tie, forceful letdown and other causes of breastfeeding trouble.
Get a good breast pump.
Even if you plan on exclusively nursing, you still need a good pump.
Reasons to pump:
to help with mastitis/plugged duct
to donate milk/build freezer stash
to give yourself a break
Not all pumps are created equal, do your research.
While a double electric breast pump may work well from many women,
some respond better to a single manual pump.
If anyone tells you,
"you only pumped 2oz the past two sessions, you are not making enough for your baby."
let them know they need to brush up on their breastfeeding education.
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CWL Founder & President Stephanie Hueston's Pint-Sized Powerhouse Max, still nursing at 14 months old. |
Formula is not bad.
Formula has saved many babies lives over the years.
In times of need, it is a wonderful thing.
When used correctly,
formula can help many breastfeeding moms overcome their challenges.
Supplementing with formula.
Formula should only be given after the baby nurses on
each breast and is still showing hunger cues.
Breastfeeding is all supply and demand.
If your baby does not demand more supply, your body will not make more supply.
Thickening breast milk without formula.
There are other options to thicken breast milk without using formula.
Thickening breast milk without formula.
There are other options to thicken breast milk without using formula.
Position is everything.
From relieving a plugged duct to correcting a poor latch,
Nursing positions can make or break a breastfeeding relationship.
As your baby gets older, he will create new nursing postions--oh the joys of nursing a toddler!
Until then, you are responsible for finding what works best for YOU and your baby.
Many LM, TM, BM babies do well with nursing upright.
Dealing with negative feedback.
There will always be someone who has to rain on your parade.
remember, it is their problem--not yours.
You are doing the very best thing you can for your child.
You are providing him with amazing nourishment, security and creating a bond unlike any other.
If someone has a problem with your boobs feeding your child...
tell them to go walk around Victoria's Secret. ;)
Low/no milk supply options.
If you are still having low or no milk supply after working with your Lactation Consultant, using human milk donations may be a good option for your baby.
are both great resources.
Also, if you have a close friend/family member who is nursing...
do not be scared to ask her for milk..99% of the time she will be honored to donate.
It's not always going to be this hard.
From porn-star sized breasts to bleeding nipples the idea of being at the park and whipping out your breast to feed your baby may seem like a lifetime away.
You will get there.
Your breasts will return to a more non porn-star size in about six weeks.
Your nipples will heal as your baby (and you) become better with latching.
Your baby will not always nurse for 45 minutes every 3 hours and as your baby learns how to crawl and play...you will have to remind him to take a break and nurse.
Most importantly, the choking from the laryngomalacia
will subside as your baby gets older.
will subside as your baby gets older.
More resources:
The Leaky Boob
Breast milk can also be fed through a feeding tube and by a SNS .
CWL Founder & President Stephanie Hueston can be contacted
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
this post is based on experience only.
it is not intended to override or replace any doctors medical advice.
should you have a serious problem breastfeeding or
your child is having trouble breathing please contact your doctor immediately.
© Coping With Laryngomalacia, Inc. All rights reserved.
this post is based on experience only.
it is not intended to override or replace any doctors medical advice.
should you have a serious problem breastfeeding or
your child is having trouble breathing please contact your doctor immediately.
© Coping With Laryngomalacia, Inc. All rights reserved.