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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Looking Back: A Baby that

It was June. We were about 2-3 weeks away from surgery day. Baby was on her monitor 24/7 due to color change in her legs, hands and around her mouth. During this time in our life... everything was upside down. My house was a constant mess. I could never remember to switch the wet laundry into the dryer so I always had to wash it a second time. I could barely get through a day without baby could barely get through a day without a LM episode. Everyday I would mark off another more day closer to surgery. One more day closer to making my baby feel better.

Through the mist of all this...every Friday was baby music class. Prior to starting this class I had double checked with the class director AND teacher to make sure bringing baby #2 along with her monitor was okay. Each person I talked to said, of course ...bring her.

With that, every Friday I woke up extra early to get the kids ready for class. Honestly, I looked forward to that 45 minute class every week. I knew Friday was a "no doctor day." Fun day...and I was perfectly content with that.

It was in the middle of class... we were standing in a circle signing about a kangaroo counting to 10... I was holding my baby... with her monitor on. I looked across from me and saw two of the other mothers talking to each other... it became very rudely...obvious ... that they were talking about me! One of the mom's son kept playing with my baby's car seat on the other side of the room. She would tell him no and he would run right back to it. Then... I heard this... "I can not believe she brings a baby like... that...out. She should not be allowed in this class." I stood there. {And for those who know me might think my next thought was anger-how dare you talk about my baby like... that!} But honestly, I was hurt. I was hurt that the outside world saw my baby as a "sick baby." To me... this was normal. Yes, of course, I knew it wasn't normal ... but to was. I leaned over to my husband to try and motion to him that the moms were talking about us but he was to busy jumping around like a kangaroo. As I stood there, looking at the two other moms I quickly felt sorry for the little boy who couldn't keep his sticky fingers off my baby's car seat. His mom was the one who made the comment. As a mother, I am not sure how you could possibly say words like that about another child. What if that was her son? What if he was on a monitor needed major airway surgery? I wonder how she would feel then. I wonder how that little boy feels about his mom.

I never said anything to either mom...maybe I should of but at that point it didn't matter to me. The way I saw {and still do see} it is if a person like that says something that rude and heartless, they do not deserve my breath. And... karma is a bigger more nasty bitch than I could ever be :)

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